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Digital Transformation in the Contact Centre: Insights from Customer Experience Transformation Expert, Mark Nichols

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Digital Transformation in the Contact Centre: Insights from Customer Experience Transformation Expert, Mark Nichols

Whilst digital transformation accelerated at pace for many businesses throughout the pandemic, many leaders put their plans on hold. We asked a highly experienced customer experience transformation about the key considerations for leaders looking to embark on a digital transformation project in 2023.

Mark Nichols has worked with some of the most universally recognised brands in the world such as Virgin Media, O2 Telefonica, Skype, and Microsoft, and has experienced, and been involved in some of the most significant technological developments of recent decades right back to the the emergence of high-speed broadband, the launch of the iPhone and the globalisation of video calling, all of which we now all take for granted.

Key Considerations for Successful Digital Transformation

“One of the main challenges is the possibility that technology has shifted since leaders put their original plans together, which could affect the cost and effectiveness of the transformation. On the one hand, the price of transformation may have fallen due to the increasing availability of remote working tools and the stress-testing of different mechanisms. On the other hand, there may be inconsistencies in the different channels and tools used for remote work, which could make it challenging for leaders to ensure that everyone is on the same page. Therefore, businesses need to be aware of the latest technological advancements, and how they are adopted, to ensure that their transformation plans are relevant and aligned with the latest customer trends.

Another consideration for leaders is to remember why they are pursuing digital transformation in the first place. While the potential returns on investment can be significant, these will only materialise if customer behaviour is also transformed in tandem with the technology. Leaders should, therefore, include a behavioural transformation mechanism for customers in their digital transformation plans. Without this, customers may continue to prefer human interactions over chatbots or other digital tools, which could limit the changes in behaviour at the heart of every transformation.

It is important to connect the customer experience to the digital future in a granular way so that everyone understands how the business will move forward at a practical level. Another idea is to separate business as usual from transformation, and potentially even have different leaders for each area to avoid confusion and overwhelm. It's also important to hold your nerve during the initial dip in performance that inevitably comes with transformation, and to make sure everyone is clear on the purpose and goals of the transformation.”

Bridging the Gap Through Digital Transformation

Mark Nichols has a passion for helping businesses understand how to capitalise on the benefits of digital tools and solutions. He saw that many businesses wanted to become digital but didn't have any insight into how to do it and identified a gap in the market for helping small businesses make the transition to digital, and that's what led him to start his consultancy.

Having spent 10 years inside large corporations, talking to businesses and leaders who were starting their businesses and struggling to figure out how to jump from running their business inside an A5 notebook to capitalising on the benefits of digital.

In summary, digital transformation is a complex and challenging process, but with the right guidance and approach, businesses can successfully navigate the journey. Mark Nichols' insights provide a valuable perspective on the key considerations for leaders embarking on a digital transformation project in 2023.

Talking Talent

To learn more about Mark and his career journey, as well as his thoughts on the future of the contact centre industry, you can watch the recording of his conversation with Julie Mordue during February's Talking Talent Linkedin Live here.

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